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Fast Talk @ VIRTUAL MathPsych 2022

Virtual MathPsych Fast Talks replace the classical poster format. They are spoken presentations accompanied by a slide deck. The maximum duration of a Virtual MathPsych Fast Talk presentation is 5 minutes and 0 seconds, but shorter presentations are encouraged. Virtual MathPsych Fast Talks should absolutely have no more than 4 slides (not including the provided title slide). The underlying idea is that this recording is the equivalent to the short pitch that poster presenters give to passers-by.

Because these presentations will be published by the Society for Mathematical Psychology, we have added minor rules regarding the format and style of the presentation:
  1. Talks should be recorded as screencasts, showing only slides with voiceover (not, e.g., a camera recording of a presenter and a projection; an inset of the speaker is fine).
  2. Talks should begin with our standardized title slide. You can download the title slide for your presentation from the My submissions section in your Profile.
  3. Presenters should start the recording by introducing themselves by name ("Hello, my name is...") and stating that "this is a prerecorded presentation for the 2022 Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Psychology."
An option that is perhaps slightly more challenging is for presenters to use a single slide that contains an entire poster, and then zoom in/out and pan over the poster as they narrate the presentation. This may be useful for presenters who already have an entire poster prepared. Note that the screen recording should still begin with the provided title slide.

To submit a presentation after the abstract is approved, log in and go to your Profile, and select My submissions. You will need the YouTube Video link.  Videos should be submitted no later than June 30, 2022.

Presentation types at Virtual MathPsych/ICCM 2022