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Journal of Mathematical Psychology

The Journal of Mathematical Psychology publishes research articles, monographs and reviews, notes and comments, and book reviews in all areas of mathematical and theoretical psychology. Empirical research directly relevant to theoretical questions within psychology is welcome. Papers on fundamental measurement and on mathematical models, such as those based on connectionist, other neural network, or information processing concepts, continue to be of special interest to the journal. Also welcome are theoretical work and empirical research bearing on models in such areas as animal behavior, artificial intelligence and computer simulation of psychological processes, decision theory, human factors and human computer interaction, learning and memory, motivational dynamics, problem solving, psycholinguistics, psychophysics, psychometrics (if the work bears on the explication of psychological concepts or process models), and sensation and perception.

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Prof. Adele Diederich Jacobs University

Associate editors

Prof. Clintin Davis-Stober University of Missouri
Dr. Ehtibar N. Dzhafarov Purdue University
Prof. Andrew Heathcote Univeristy of Amsterdam
Juergen Heller University of Tuebingen
Michel Regenwetter University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Robin D. Thomas Miami University
Francis Tuerlinckx University of Leuven, Belgium

Tutorial editor

Prof. Joe Houpt University of Texas at San Antonio

Consulting editors

Dr. Rocio Alcala-Quintana Universidad Complutense de Madrid
F. Gregory Ashby University of California, Santa Barbara
Dr. Leslie Blaha Air Force Office of Scientific Research
Prof. Rafal Bogacz University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Dr. Scott Brown University of Newcastle
David Budescu Fordham University
Dr. Richard Chechile Tufts University
Susanne Ditlevsen University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Ralf Engbert University of Potsdam, Germany
Dr. Miguel García-Pérez Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Claudia Gonzalez-Vallejo Ohio University/NSF
Daniel W. Heck University of Marburg
Chang-Bing (CB) Huang Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Matt Jones University of Colorado Boulder
Natalia Karelaia INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France
Prof. Konstantinos Katsikopoulos University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Prof. Ian Krajbich University of California, LA
Daniel R. Little The University of Melbourne
Tim Pleskac Indiana University
Luca Stefanutti University of Padua, Padova, Italy
Reinhard Suck University of Osnabruck, Germany
Jennifer Trueblood Indiana University Bloomington
Marius Usher Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Prof. Jun Zhang University of Michigan

Editorial advisory board

Dr. Jerome Busemeyer Indiana University
Hans Colonius Oldenburg University
A. A. J. Marley University of Victoria
Prof. Jay I. Myung The Ohio State University
Roger Ratcliff The Ohio State University
Richard Schweickert Purdue University
Dr. Rich Shiffrin Indiana University
Philip Smith University of Melbourne
James T. Townsend Indiana University
Thomas Wallsten University of Maryland at College Park

Past editors of Journal of Mathematical Psychology

2015 - 2018Philip Smith
2010 - 2014Prof. Jay I. Myung
2005 - 2009Dr. Jerome Busemeyer
2001 - 2004Richard Schweickert
1995 - 2000Hans Colonius
1990 - 1994Thomas Wallsten
1985 - 1989James T. Townsend
1980 - 1984A. A. J. Marley
1976 - 1979William H. Batchelder
1975 - 1975William H. Batcheler and R. Duncan Luce
1971 - 1974J. E. Keith Smith
1964 - 1970Richard C. Atkinson