Multi-University Team Wins Outstanding Paper Award
Marlou Nadine Perquin, Marieke van Vugt, Craig Hedge and Aline Bompas win 2023 <em>Computational Brain & Behavior</em> Outstanding Paper Award.
MATHPSYCH.ORG — Marlou Nadine Perquin, Marieke van Vugt, Craig Hedge and Aline Bompas were presented with the prestigious Society for Mathematical Psychology 2023 Computational Brain & Behavior Outstanding Paper Award on July 20, 2023. This award is given to the paper selected as most outstanding from those published in the journal Computational Brain & Behavior in the prior three years.

Lead author Dr. Marlou Nadine Perquin is a postdoctoral researcher at Bielefeld University. Dr. Marieke van Vugt is an assistant professor at the Department of Artificial Intelligence (ALICE) at the University of Groningen. Dr. Craig Hedge is a Lecturer in Psychology at Ashton University. Dr. Aline Bompas is Senior Lecturer and Joint-Lead for Cognitive Neuroscience in the Department of Psychology at Cardiff University.
Perquin, M.N., van Vugt, M.K., Hedge, C., & Bompas, A (2023). Temporal Structure in Sensorimotor Variability: A Stable Trait, But What For? Computational Brain & Behavior.
The paper is available open access online here.
About the Society for Mathematical Psychology
The Society for Mathematical Psychology promotes the advancement and communication of research in mathematical psychology and related disciplines. Mathematical psychology is broadly defined to include work of a theoretical character that uses mathematical methods, formal logic, or computer simulation. The official journals of the society are Journal of Mathematical Psychology and Computational Brain & Behavior.
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