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Poster meetup session

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Discontinuities in function learning
Dr. John Anderson
Mr. Roderick Seow
Using GOMS to model individual differences in a competence assessment task
Mrs. Hadeel Ismail
Prof. Peter Cheng
A quantum walk framework for multialternative decision making
Mr. Adam Huang
Dr. Jerome Busemeyer
Predicting algorithmic complexity for individuals
Sara Todorovikj
Mr. Daniel Brand
Marco Ragni
Reverse-engineering of Boolean concepts: A benchmark analysis
Felix Kettner
Elisa-Maria Heinrich
Mr. Daniel Brand
Marco Ragni
Predicting learning in the troubleshooting task using a cognitive architecture-based task analysis
Frank E Ritter
Understanding adversarial decisions for different probing-action costs in a deception game via cognitive modeling
Mr. Harsh Katakwar
Palvi Aggarwal
Varun Dutt
How do humans revise spatial beliefs?
Mr. Johannes Mannhardt
Dr. Leandra Bucher
Mr. Daniel Brand
Marco Ragni
Using deep neural networks for modeling representational spaces: the prevalence and impact of rarely-firing nodes
Nhut Truong
Dr. Uri Hasson