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Exploring Memory Mechanisms Underlying the Continued Influence Effect

Dr. Alexander Hough
Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio ~ Cognition and Modeling Branch
Dr. Othalia Larue

Humans have cognitive vulnerabilities that can be leveraged to influence individuals. One such vulnerability is the continued influence effect (CIE), where misleading information can have a lasting effect even after corrections or factual discrediting information is presented. The CIE has been addressed experimentally and memory-based explanations exist. However, no current cognitive models specify cognitive mechanisms for prediction, simulation, and detailed testing of hypotheses. Here, we discuss relevant literature and propose a novel cognitive model to investigate memory mechanisms underlying the CIE. We demonstrate the utility of the model using simulations which show how the CIE emerges from memory processes and discuss plans for future research.



Cognitive modeling
continued influence effect
knowledge representation

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Hough, A. R., & Larue, O. (2024, June). Exploring Memory Mechanisms Underlying the Continued Influence Effect. Abstract published at Virtual MathPsych/ICCM 2024. Via