ICCM Full Paper + Talk @ MathPsych/ICCM/EMPG 2023 IN PERSON
Full ICCM papers can be up to six pages in length, and will be evaluated by peer review. Papers accepted as talks will be in-person spoken presentations accompanied by a slide deck. Each speaker is assigned a 20-minute presentation slot, which is typically divided into 15 minutes for presenting and 5 minutes of question time. Papers not accepted as talks may be accepted as posters. Templates are available at https://dearmond.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/ExternalSharing/EkPg3O2j_z5IlfOZVeVgokEBIWGnSOwwaCWRc8a2hNwT2g?e=dzUT29.
If you are interested in acting as a reviewer for ICCM, please let us know by filling out the survey at https://forms.gle/C38sMCwFU8FKuWcw7.
If you are interested in acting as a reviewer for ICCM, please let us know by filling out the survey at https://forms.gle/C38sMCwFU8FKuWcw7.