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Virtual ICCM IV

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Cognitively and Linguistically Motivated Part of Speech Tagging: Quantitative Assessment of a Near Human-Scale Computational Cognitive Model
Dr. Jerry Ball
Mr. Stu Rodgers
Body movement construction based on distributionally represented size image
Mr. Kosuke Sasaki
Mr. Jumpei Nishikawa
Prof. Junya Morita
Moral judgments as the combination of distributed language representation and memory activation mechanism
Kenya Sasaki
Mr. Jumpei Nishikawa
Mr. Kazuma Nagashima
Prof. Junya Morita
Efficient Memory Encoding Explains the Interactions Between Hippocampus Size, Individual Experience, and Clinical Outcomes: A Computational Model
Prof. Andrea Stocco
Ms. Briana Marie Smith
Bridget Leonard
Holly Hake
Preferred Mental Models in Syllogistic Reasoning
Sara Todorovikj
Mr. Daniel Brand
Marco Ragni