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Body movement construction based on distributionally represented size image

Mr. Kosuke Sasaki
Shizuoka University ~ Graduate School of Science and Technology
Mr. Jumpei Nishikawa
Shizuoka University ~ Graduate School of Science and Technology
Prof. Junya Morita
Shizuoka University ~ Department of Behavior Informatics

This study proposes a method of generating body gestures from distributed representations of words. In the method, the size image for words is computed based on the axis whose poles correspond to "small" and "large" word images. In addition, the size image of the words is physically implemented as robot gestures. The proposed methods were evaluated by two online surveys. Summarizing the results, the authors claim the potential of developing artifacts exchanging qualitative and quantitative aspects of word representations.



Distributed representation of words
Naturalness compared to humans? Last updated 10 months ago

Sasaki-san, very nice presentation. As you were having people consider the naturalness of the movements, were they given a human baseline or point of comparison for what might be rated as highly natural? Or would you consider trying to have humans generate the same movement as the robot (and then use a video recording for the experiment) to compare...

Dr. Leslie Blaha 1 comment
Cite this as:

Sasaki, K., Nishikawa, J., & Morita, J. (2023, June). Body movement construction based on distributionally represented size image. Paper presented at Virtual MathPsych/ICCM 2023. Via