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Symposium: Advancing Dynamic Models of Psychological Processes

The recent proliferation of intensive longitudinal data allows researchers to investigate how psychological processes evolve at an unprecedented temporal resolution. However, these large time series datasets come with unique challenges that require advanced modeling solutions to enable reliable inferences. In this symposium, we outline several advancements in time series modeling and show how they improve our understanding of psychological processes using empirical applications. The first talk discusses how Dynamic Structural Equation Models capture temporal dynamics and outlines their psychometric properties. The second talk shows how DSEMs can be extended to capture cognitive dynamics across multiple timescales contemporaneously. The third talk illustrates how adequate modeling of night gaps in ESM can improve our understanding of daytime versus nighttime dynamics in psychological processes. The fourth talk advocates a new standard for time series modeling allowing temporal dynamics to differ based on the time series value. The fifth talk combines time series models with Hidden Markov Models to capture mood states. Together, these five talks outline how advanced time series models help improve our understanding of a wide range of psychological processes and provide openly-available modeling code for researchers to apply the models themselves.
A state-based time series model capturing mood fluctuations over time
Jessica Schaaf
You Could do Better Tomorrow - Modeling day to day fluctuations in cognitive performance
Mr. Michael Aristodemou
Capturing asymmetrical temporal dynamics using thresholded time series models
Prof. Rogier Kievit
A multiverse analysis of the psychometric properties and robustness of dynamic structural equation models
Dr. Jean-Paul Snijder
Meike Steinhilber
Theoretical implications of how we model night gaps in ESM
Sophie Berkhout