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How cognitive load and cognitive reflection impact probability judgments?
Prof. Emmanuel Pothos
Dr. Jerome Busemeyer
Mr. Adam Huang
Semantic Similarity and Context Cues alleviate Set-size Effects on Long-Term Memory Retrieval Times
Susanne Haridi
Dr. Mirko Thalmann
Dr. Eric Schulz
Working memory, attention and executive control in digit span tasks
Mr. Ruben Potthoff
Prof. Sanne Schagen
Dr. Joost Agelink van Rentergem
Neurocognitive psychometrics of interindividual differences in working memory
Jan Göttmann
Dr. Daniel Schneider
Anna-Lena Schubert
The REM model of Shiffrin & Steyvers (1997) Predicts 2AFC and Four-way Classification (4WC)
Zainab Mohamed
Dr. Constantin Meyer-Grant
Dr. Rich Shiffrin