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The Dark Side of Sequential Testing: A Simulation Study on Questionable Research Practices
Meike Steinhilber
Anna-Lena Schubert
Exploring non-linear trajectories in intensive longitudinal data: A comprehensive review of the available statistical methods
Mr. Jan Failenschmid
Dr. Leonie Vogelsmeier
Dr. Joris Mulder
Dr. Joran Jongerling
Generalized Bayesian hierarchical structural equation modeling
Niek Stevenson
Dr. Dylan Molenaar
Prof. Andrew Heathcote
Prof. Birte Forstmann
Dr. Dora Matzke
Spurious correlations in cognitive models: Bayesian hierarchical modeling to the rescue
Michelle Donzallaz
Niek Stevenson
Prof. Andrew Heathcote
Dr. Dora Matzke
Assessing the relevance of random effects for statements in mixed-effects models of the illusory truth effect
Semih C. Aktepe
Daniel W. Heck