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Symposium: Deep Learning And Simulation-Based Inference For Computational Cognitive Modeling

Unveiling the Hidden: Machine Learning Approaches for the Discovery of Latent Structures
Konstantina Sokratous
Dr. Peter Kvam
Integrating efficient sensitivity analyses into amortized Bayesian workflows
Lasse Elsemüller
Hans Olischläger
Marvin Schmitt
Paul-Christian Bürkner
Ullrich Köthe
Stefan Radev
Validation and comparison of non-stationary cognitive models: A diffusion model application
Stefan Radev
Mr. Lukas Schumacher
Andreas Voss
Dr. Martin Schnuerch
Amortized Bayesian inference with hybrid expert-in-the-loop and learnable summary statistics
Stefan Radev
Dr. Ayush Bharti
Mr. Lukas Schumacher
Lasse Elsemüller
Using simulation-based Bayesian inference to explore the unidentified spaces of (neuro-)cognitive models
Dr. Michael D. Nunez
TogetherFlow: Bayesian simulation-based emergent attentional dynamics in room-oriented immersive systems
Jerry Huang
Stefan Radev
Invertible neural networks for simulation-based prior knowledge elicitation
Florence Bockting
Stefan Radev
Paul-Christian Bürkner
Assessing the robustness of amortized Bayesian inference for evidence-accumulation models applied to different experimental designs
Malte Lüken
Prof. Andrew Heathcote
Mr. Simon Kucharsky
Dr. Dora Matzke