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Workshop: How To Publish And Evaluate Your Model

This tutorial draws from a book in process about design patterns in cognitive modeling, tentatively titled Design patterns in modeling and HCI. It will be published by Oxford University Press. “How to publish your model” provides general comments on publishing reports of models and the steps in modeling and simulation. It notes the importance of writing and of the final results. It describes the various types of outputs, including talks and publications. It provides a detailed process for handing the preparation, submission, and revision of a paper reporting a model, particularly about the importance of staying in touch with stakeholders. It also talks about how to present a model as well as providing some advice on how to write a conference paper and a journal article in these areas. “How to evaluate your model” introduces the basic concepts in evaluating a model, which is done after describing the model and its behavior. After debunking the concept of proving a model, this chapter presents the case that you would like to do two fundamental things: show that the model is worth taking seriously, both to yourself and to others, and to know where to improve it. This chapter notes methods and design patterns for doing these two tasks looking at non-numeric, simple, and advanced methods that have been used, using a score card as a way to summarize the fit. It will also address interactions of these tasks with publishing your model.
How to publish and evaluate your model
Frank E Ritter