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Selective influence and coactivity in accumulator models examined through the Grice representation

Prof. Joe Houpt
University of Texas at San Antonio ~ Psychology

Previous work has demonstrated that any joint model of choice and response time can be represented with a Grice model, that is, a race model with deterministic accumulation functions for each choice and random thresholds. Our research is on framing the space of possible choice-RT distributions in terms of their Grice model representations and particularly leveraging differential geometry to examine parametric models in that space. In this talk, we will examine the concept of selective influence through the lens of the Grice representation and highlight connections with related frameworks, particularly the coactive model.



systems factorial technology
selective influence
accumulator models

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Houpt, J. (2023, July). Selective influence and coactivity in accumulator models examined through the Grice representation. Paper presented at MathPsych/ICCM/EMPG 2023. Via