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Donders | CUBE 218

Risky Choice 1
Jul 20 @ 10:00 CEST - Jul 20 @ 11:40 CEST
In-person session
How sampling strategies shape risky choice
Linus Hof, Dr. Veronika Zilker, Prof. Thorsten Pachur
Modeling the roles of epistemic and aleatory uncertainty in people’s subjective perceptions of uncertainty.
Aaron Lob, Prof. Renato Frey
The influence of probability versus utility on repeated mental simulations of risky events
Mr. Yun-Xiao Li, Johanna Falben, Lucas Castillo, Jake Spicer, Dr. Jian-Qiao Zhu, Nick Chater, Prof. Adam Sanborn
Investigating Risky Choices With ‘Fatal’ Outcomes Using the Extinction Gambling Task
Prof. Adam Harris, David Kellen, Dr. Henrik Singmann, Mr. Max Maier
An affect-based computational framework for modeling risky choice with nonmonetary outcomes
Prof. Thorsten Pachur, Dr. Kamil Fulawka
Mental Architectures & Information Processing
Jul 20 @ 14:00 CEST - Jul 20 @ 15:40 CEST
In-person session
Deciphering Decision-Making Efficiency: The interplay of reliability and credibility in automated information processing
Shang Shu Huang, Mr. Cheng-You Cheng, Hanshu Zhang, Prof. Cheng-Ta Yang
Varieties of selective influence: Extensions and surprises!
James T. Townsend, Yanjun Liu
Deriving critical tests of ACT-R using systems factorial technology with global model analysis
Prof. Joe Houpt, Dr. Christopher Fisher, Dr. Othalia Larue
MSPN: A Modular Serial-Parallel Network for Computational Modeling of Response Time and Choice in Facial Recognition Across Composite, Part-to-Whole, and Other-Race Effect Paradigms
Prof. Cheng-Ta Yang, Daniel R. Little, Mario Fific
Learning in the Context of Partial Information
Ms. Nicole King, Dr. Brandon Turner, Vladimir Sloutsky, Ms. Qianqian Wan, Dr. Layla Unger, Robert Ralston
Real-World Decisions
Jul 21 @ 10:00 CEST - Jul 21 @ 11:20 CEST
In-person session
Modeling overtaking decisions in dynamic traffic interactions using generalized drift-diffusion models
Mr. Samir Hussein Ali Mohammad, Dr. Arkady Zgonnikov, Dr. Haneen Farah
Understanding Race Bias in the Decision to Shoot with an Integrated Model of Decision Making
Tim Pleskac, Dr. Joseph Cesario, Dr. Taosheng Liu
Exploring the associations of diffusion decision model parameters with socioeconomic success
Dr. Mischa von Krause, Stefan Radev
To compete, or not to compete, that is the question
Dr. Chi-Fai Lo, Mr. Ho-Yan Ip
Real-World Modeling
Jul 21 @ 11:40 CEST - Jul 21 @ 12:40 CEST
In-person session
Pinocchio disassembled: Hierarchical diffusion modeling of the cognitive cost of lying
Dr. Martin Schnuerch
A Reciprocal-Practice-Success (RPS) model of free practice
Mr. Pritam Laskar, Prof. Han van der Maas
Executive Functions & Cognitive Control
Jul 21 @ 15:20 CEST - Jul 21 @ 16:40 CEST
In-person session
Episodic retrieval of cognitive control demand: A computational model
Mr. Sven Wientjes, Prof. Clay Holroyd Holroyd
How do we avoid doing or saying the wrong thing at the wrong time: exerting cognitive control during and after accumulation of internal evidence.
Dr. Isaac Fradkin, Dr. Rani Moran
Is focusing enough in category learning?
Dr. Hyungwook Yim, Ms. Sejin Yoon
Choice models for the Dual-Modes of Cognitive Control task battery.
Prof. Andrew Heathcote, Dr. Roderick Garton, Prof. Todd Braver
Jul 22 @ 10:00 CEST - Jul 22 @ 11:20 CEST
In-person session
Model selection for parsimonious whole-brain decoders: beyond cross-validation
Chris Stolle, Dr. Yi Huang
Nonstationarity of the hemodynamic response function in event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging
Friederike Preusse
Massive generalized additive models of neurophysiological time-series
Joshua Krause, Dr. Jelmer Borst, Jacolien van Rij
Modeling EEG with axon delay times to analyze individual differences in cognition
Mariia Steeghs-Turchina, Paul Nunez, Prof. Ramesh Srinivasan, Dr. Michael D. Nunez
Numeric Cognition
Jul 22 @ 11:40 CEST - Jul 22 @ 13:00 CEST
In-person session
Investigating the cognitive processes underlying quantitative judgments: Insights from combining cognitive modeling and eye tracking
Florian Seitz, Rebecca Albrecht, Prof. Bettina von Helversen, Jorg Rieskamp, Agnes Rosner
Compressed Representations and Attentional Competition in Numeric Integration for Average Estimations
Yongming Sun, Dr. Alice Mason, Sebastian Olschewski
Characterizing People’s Sampling Engines Using Random Generation
Lucas Castillo, Pablo Leon Villagra, Johanna Falben, Nick Chater, Prof. Adam Sanborn
Evidence Accumulation: General
Jul 22 @ 15:20 CEST - Jul 22 @ 17:00 CEST
In-person session
Decision versus non-decision time
Dr. Aline Bompas
Evidence accumulation is not essential for generating intertemporal preference
Prof. Junyi Dai
An EZ Bayesian hierarchical drift diffusion model for response time and accuracy
Adriana Felisa Chávez De la Peña, Joachim Vandekerckhove