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Risky Choice 1

How sampling strategies shape risky choice
Linus Hof
Dr. Veronika Zilker
Prof. Thorsten Pachur
Modeling the roles of epistemic and aleatory uncertainty in people’s subjective perceptions of uncertainty.
Aaron Lob
Prof. Renato Frey
The influence of probability versus utility on repeated mental simulations of risky events
Mr. Yun-Xiao Li
Johanna Falben
Lucas Castillo
Jake Spicer
Dr. Jian-Qiao Zhu
Nick Chater
Prof. Adam Sanborn
Investigating Risky Choices With ‘Fatal’ Outcomes Using the Extinction Gambling Task
Prof. Adam Harris
David Kellen
Dr. Henrik Singmann
Mr. Max Maier
An affect-based computational framework for modeling risky choice with nonmonetary outcomes
Prof. Thorsten Pachur
Dr. Kamil Fulawka