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Vuyk | CUBE 220

ICCM: Linguistic Phenomena
Jul 20 @ 10:00 CEST - Jul 20 @ 11:40 CEST
In-person session
Intractability obstacles to explanations of communication
Laura van de Braak, Dr. Ronald de Haan, Dr. Mark Dingemanse, Prof. Ivan Toni, Iris van Rooij, Mark Blokpoel
Challenges for a Computational Explanation of Flexible Linguistic Inference
Dr. Marieke Woensdregt, Mark Blokpoel, Iris van Rooij, Andrea Martin
Exploring an Approach for Phonological Awareness Estimation Employing Personalized Cognitive Models and Audio Filters
Mr. Jumpei Nishikawa, Prof. Junya Morita
ICCM: Emotion & Cognition
Jul 20 @ 14:00 CEST - Jul 20 @ 15:40 CEST
In-person session
A Proposal for Extending the Common Model of Cognition to Emotion
Prof. Paul Rosenbloom, John Laird, Christian Lebiere, Prof. Andrea Stocco, Prof. Richard Granger, Prof. Christian Huyck
How to Provide a Dynamic Cognitive Person Model of a Human Collaboration Partner to a Pepper Robot
Mr. Alexander Werk, Ms. Sina Scholz, Mr. Thomas Sievers, Nele Russwinkel
The Computational Mechanisms of Detached Mindfulness
Brendan Conway-Smith, Robert West
ICCM: Problem Solving Skills
Jul 21 @ 10:00 CEST - Jul 21 @ 11:20 CEST
In-person session
Computational mechanisms underlying latent value updating of unchosen actions
Mr. Ido Ben-Artzi, Dr. Yoav Kessler, Dr. Bruno Nicenboim, Dr. Nitzan Shahar
Exploring Analogical Transfer with Tower of Hanoi Isomorphs
Dr. Othalia Larue, Dr. Alexander Hough
Predicting complex problem solving performance in the tailorshop scenario
Mr. Daniel Brand, Sara Todorovikj, Marco Ragni
ICCM: Reasoning Patterns
Jul 21 @ 11:40 CEST - Jul 21 @ 13:00 CEST
In-person session
Rational Compression In Choice Prediction
Mr. Max Taylor-Davies, Christopher Lucas
Predictive Algorithms for Individual Reasoning about Possibilities
Marco Ragni, Prof. Phil Johnson-Laird
Model verification and preferred mental models in syllogistic reasoning
Sara Todorovikj, Mr. Daniel Brand, Marco Ragni
Mental Representation
Jul 21 @ 15:20 CEST - Jul 21 @ 16:40 CEST
In-person session
Recovering individual mental representations of facial affect using Markov Chain Monte Carlo with People and Gatekeepers
Mr. Haijiang Yan, Nick Chater, Mr. Chris Tsvetkov, Prof. Adam Sanborn
Exploring latent processes of human generalization via computational modeling
Dr. Kenny Yu, Prof. Jonas Zaman, wolf vanpaemel, Francis Tuerlinckx
State-independent and outcome-irrelevant model-free learning
Dr. Nitzan Shahar
ICCM: Learning Processes
Jul 22 @ 10:00 CEST - Jul 22 @ 11:40 CEST
In-person session
Exploring the steps of learning: computational modeling of initiatory-actions among individuals with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
Mrs. Gili Katabi, Dr. Nitzan Shahar
Genetically evolving verbal learner: a computational model based on chunking and evolution
Dr. Dmitry Bennett, Dr. Noman Javed, Dr. Peter Lane, Dr. Fernand Gobet, Dr. Laura Bartlett
Modeling Instance-Based Rule Learning in an Adaptive Retrieval Practice Task
Mr. Thomas Wilschut, Ms. Myrthe Braam, Florian Sense, Hedderik van Rijn
Dissecting the Drivers of Change Points in Individual Learning: An Analysis with Real-World Data
Michael Collins, Florian Sense, Michael Krusmark, Tiffany (Jastrzembski) Myers
ICCM: Neuroscience Models
Jul 22 @ 11:40 CEST - Jul 22 @ 13:00 CEST
In-person session
Simulating event-related potentials in bilingual sentence comprehension: syntactic violations and syntactic transfer
Stephan Verwijmeren, Stefan Frank, Hartmut Fitz, Mr. Yung Han Khoe
How to Match Cognitive Model Predictions with EEG data
Kai Preuss, Christopher Hilton, Klaus Gramann, Nele Russwinkel
A Neuro-Symbolic Implementation of Mouse Reward Timing Learning
Laura Sainz Villalba, Dr. Michael Furlong
Social Cognition
Jul 22 @ 15:20 CEST - Jul 22 @ 16:40 CEST
In-person session
State of play: Interacting latent Markov chains in repeated games
Prof. Maarten Speekenbrink
Exploring the social and temporal dynamics of striving for cognitive consistency in political belief change
Marlene Batzke
The value of environmental and health outcomes under delay and risk
Anderson Fitch, Dr. Peter Kvam
Teaching functions with Gaussian processes
Maya Malaviya, Dr. Mark Ho
Workshop: ACT-R
Jul 23 @ 10:00 CEST - Jul 23 @ 18:00 CEST
In-person session
The thirty-first annual ACT-R workshop will take place on Tuesday July 23, 2024. The workshop will feature research presentations and panel discussions focusing on the latest ACT-R work and cognitive modeling trends. While in-person attendance is preferred, virtual attendance and recordings of the workshop will be available. Contact if interested in presenting or organizing a session.