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ICCM: Linguistic Phenomena

Intractability obstacles to explanations of communication
Laura van de Braak
Dr. Ronald de Haan
Dr. Mark Dingemanse
Prof. Ivan Toni
Iris van Rooij
Mark Blokpoel
Challenges for a Computational Explanation of Flexible Linguistic Inference
Dr. Marieke Woensdregt
Mark Blokpoel
Iris van Rooij
Andrea Martin
Memory activation and retrieval strategy in lexical alignment: Comparing the ACT–R model of human and computer interlocutors
Miki Matsumuro
Prof. Yugo Hayashi
Exploring an Approach for Phonological Awareness Estimation Employing Personalized Cognitive Models and Audio Filters
Mr. Jumpei Nishikawa
Prof. Junya Morita