Dr. Madeleine Bartlett
Kathryn Simone
Ms. Nicole Dumont
Dr. Michael Furlong
Chris Eliasmith
Prof. Jeff Orchard
Terry Stewart
Learning from experience, often formalized as Reinforcement Learning (RL), is a vital means for agents to develop successful behaviours in natural environments. However, while biological organisms are embedded in continuous spaces and continuous time, many artificial agents use RL algorithms that implicitly assume some form of discretization of the state space, which can lead to inefficient resource use and improper learning. In this paper we show that biologically motivated representations of continuous spaces form a valuable state representation for RL. We use models of grid and place cells in the Medial Entorhinal Cortex (MEC) and hippocampus, respectively, to represent continuous states in a navigation task and in the CartPole control task. Specifically, we model the hexagonal grid structures found in the brain using Hexagonal Spatial Semantic Pointers (HexSSPs), and combine this state representation with single-hidden-layer neural networks to learn action policies in an Actor-Critic (AC) framework. We demonstrate our approach provides significantly increased robustness to changes in environment parameters (travel velocity), and learns to stabilize the dynamics of the CartPole system with comparable mean performance to a deep neural network, while decreasing the terminal reward variance by more than~150x across trials.These findings at once point to the utility of leveraging biologically motivated representations for RL problems, and suggest a more general role for hexagonally-structured representations in cognition.