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Illuminating individual learning dynamics within a task: A computational model analysis

Theodros Haile
University of Washington ~ Psychology
Chantel Prat
University of Washington, United States of America
Prof. Andrea Stocco
University of Washington ~ University of Washington

Individual learners rely on different strategies - combinations of declarative and reinforcement learning - to acquire new skills. But little is known about how these strategies change throughout the duration of learning. In this study, we use four idiographic ACT-R models to fit and identify learning strategies during a stimulus-response learning task (Collins, 2018). We split the long learning task into two halves and fit independently to address this. We found that a majority of learners relied on declarative memory (LTM) throughout learning. Of the minority of learners who were identified by a reinforcement learning strategy (RL) or combined RL-LTM strategy were more successful in the second half, if they fit an LTM only strategy.



Individual differences
learning strategies
Reinforcement learning
declarative memory

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Haile, T., Prat, C., & Stocco, A. (2023, June). Illuminating individual learning dynamics within a task: A computational model analysis. Paper presented at Virtual MathPsych/ICCM 2023. Via