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Symposium: Computational Psycholinguistics

Using multinomial processing trees to model latent cognitive processes during garden-pathing
Dario Paape
Scan Pattern Similarity Predicts the Semantic Similarity of Sentences Across Languages Above and Beyond Their Syntactic Structure
Dr. Moreno Coco
Eunice Fernandes
Manabu Arai
Frank Keller
Introducing ScanDL: A diffusion-based generative model of eye movements in reading
Ms. Lena Bolliger
Mr. David Reich
Mr. Patrick Haller
Ms. Deborah Jakobi
Mr. Paul Prasse
Prof. Lena Jäger
Retrieval (N400) and Integration (P600) in language comprehension
Dr. Harm Brouwer
Neural language model gradient as a predictor of ERPs and sentence acceptability
Stefan Frank
Interindividual differences in predicting words versus sentence meaning: Explaining N400 amplitudes using large-scale neural network models
M. Alessandro Lopopolo
Milena Rabovsky
Daniel Schad
Studying language and cognition using models of discourse meanings
Jakub Dotlacil
Meaning modulations and stability in Large Language Models: An analysis of BERT embeddings for psycholinguistic research
Giovanni Cassani
Fritz Günther
Marco Marelli
Giuseppe Attanasio
Federico Bianchi
Modeling individual differences in a pragmatic reference game as a consequence of variable disengagement from unsuccessful strategies
Dr. John Duff
Mx. Alexandra Mayn
Prof. Vera Demberg