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Interindividual differences in predicting words versus sentence meaning: Explaining N400 amplitudes using large-scale neural network models

M. Alessandro Lopopolo
University of Potsdam, Germany
Milena Rabovsky
University of Potsdam, Germany ~ Psychology
Daniel Schad
University of Potsdam

Prediction error, both at the level of sentence meaning and at the level of the next presented word, has been shown to successfully account for N400 amplitudes. Here we address the question of whether people differ in the representational level at which they implicitly predict upcoming language. To this end, we computed a measure of prediction error at the level of sentence meaning (magnitude of change in hidden layer activation, termed semantic update, in a neural network model of sentence comprehension, the Sentence Gestalt model) and a measure of prediction error at the level of the next word (surprisal from a next word prediction language model). When using both measures to predict N400 amplitudes during the reading of naturalistic texts, results showed that both measures significantly accounted for N400 amplitudes even when the other measure was controlled for. Most important for current purposes, both effects were significantly negatively correlated such that people with a reversed or weak surprisal effect showed the strongest influence of semantic update on N400 amplitudes. Moreover, random-effects model comparison showed that individuals differ in whether their N400 amplitudes are driven by semantic update only, by surprisal only, or by both, and that the most common model in the population was either semantic update or the combined model but not the pure surprisal model. The current approach of combining large-scale models implementing different theoretical accounts with advanced model comparison techniques enables fine-grained investigations into the computational processes underlying N400 amplitudes, including interindividual differences in the involved computations.



neural network models
prediction error
sentence meaning
interindividual differences
random effects

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Lopopolo, A., Rabovsky, M., & Schad, D. (2024, July). Interindividual differences in predicting words versus sentence meaning: Explaining N400 amplitudes using large-scale neural network models. Abstract published at MathPsych / ICCM 2024. Via