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MathPsych Posters

Testing different accounts of the contiguity effect: A causal and symmetrical one
Elif Kasgoz
Asli Kilic
Guess what! Assessing the psychological meaning of the Lévy-flight model parameter α
Julia Liss
Katharina Mminele
Max Brede
Veronika Lerche
Reimagining Security with Cyberpsychology Network Defenses (ReSCIND)
Dr. Kimberly Ferguson-Walter
Approximating an Exact Posterior for the Drift-Rate Parameter of a Wiener Process’s First-Passage Time
Dr. Constantin Meyer-Grant
The Contiguity Effect in Probed Recall Task: Increasing the Recall via Overt Rehearsal and Sentence Generation
Karya Ekiz
Deniz Pala
Asli Kilic
Diffusion Models for Conflict Tasks: Revisiting the Revised Diffusion Model for Conflict tasks (RDMC)
Markus Janczyk
Ian Mackenzie
Valentin Koob
Testing Random-Scale Representation in Change Detection Tasks for Visual Working Memory
Ms. Jean Wang
Dr. Henrik Singmann
David Kellen
Fast Likelihood Computation for Attentional Drift Diffusion Models and Beyond
Mr. Sicheng Liu
Dr. Michael Frank
Dr. Matthew Harrison
Alexander Fengler
Utilizing response time assessments of cognitive function: The first step in understanding cancer-related cognitive impairment
Ms. Bryanna Scheuler
Prof. Joe Houpt
Can Variability in Across-Trial Drift Rate be Explained in the Diffusion Decision Model?
Mr. Jie Sun
Dr. Adam Osth
Dr. Daniel Feuerriegel
A Spectrum of Diffusion Models for Hierarchical Control of Attention: From Sequential to Parallel Processing
Dr. Michael Frank
Alexander Fengler
Dr. Matthew Nassar
Mr. An Vo
Bias in Belief Updating: Combining the Bayesian Sampler with Heuristics
Yitong Lin
Jianqiao Zhu
Prof. Adam Sanborn
Modeling Numerical Judgments of Complex Stimuli
Dr. David Izydorczyk
Prof. Arndt Bröder
Quantitatively fitting the Autocorrelated Bayesian Sampler to accuracy, response time and trial-by-trial data
Mr. Yun-Xiao Li
Lucas Castillo
Johanna Falben
Prof. Adam Sanborn
On the appropriate scale of time for psychophysical duration discrimination
Dr. Miguel García-Pérez
Dr. Rocio Alcala-Quintana
The puzzle of order effects in duration discrimination
Dr. Rocio Alcala-Quintana
Dr. Miguel García-Pérez
A two-drift race model of human habits
Ms. Charlotte Collingwood
Prof. Rafal Bogacz
A New Frontiers For Affect Dynamics: The Discrete Markovian Chain Of Affect
Mrs. Francesca Borghesi
Prof. Pietro Cipresso
Associative priming and categorical priming in the word-picture paradigm: A hierarchical diffusion model analysis
Shanqing Gao
Andreas Voss
Investigating the belief bias in everyday political reasoning with linear models and signal detection models
Mr. Calvin Deans- Browne
Dr. Henrik Singmann
Dimensional Effects of Stimuli of Visual Cues on Military Pilots
Erin Silvas
Prof. Joe Houpt
Bayesian methods for dataset-integrated model evaluation of cognitive models: A case of forgetting curves
Ms. Yui Furukawa
Kensuke Okada
Bayesian methods for inference with large datasets
Luis Baroja
Joachim Vandekerckhove
Comparing hypothesis tests using regions of support
Frieder Göppert
Sascha Meyen
Volker Franz
Unraveling Overreaction in Expectations: Leveraging Cognitive Sampling Algorithms in Price Prediction Tasks
Jenny Zhou
Dr. Jian-Qiao Zhu
Jake Spicer
Prof. Adam Sanborn
Statistical Properties of Lens Model Equation Parameters and their Hierarchical Extension
Franziska Leipold
Dr. Martin Schnuerch
Prof. Arndt Bröder
Disentangling memory interference and motivational processes: A non-stationary diffusion/fast-guess mixture model for output interference in recognition memory
Selina Zajdler
Dr. Martin Schnuerch
Mr. Lukas Schumacher
Explaining two kinds of repulsion biases in perception and decision making
Dr. Stella Qian
Nick Chater
Prof. Adam Sanborn
Dr. Jian-Qiao Zhu
Simulation-based inference using deep neural networks: Using BayesFlow for amortized bayesian estimation of the diffusion model for conflict tasks
Simon Schaefer
Jan Göttmann
Anna-Lena Schubert
Modelling probability matching as a Bayesian sampling process
Mr. Chris Tsvetkov
Mr. Haijiang Yan
Prof. Adam Sanborn
Inhibitory Control Deficits in Syndromes Associated with Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration
Ms. Michelle Naessens
Ms. Emily Todd
Prof. James Rowe
Dr. Alexander Murley
Ms. Rebecca Williams
Change of Mind and Information Seeking in Decision Making
Jiashun Wang
Ms. Sonia Acuna Vargas
Dr. Michael D. Nunez
Chris Donkin
Using a shifted Wald model to assess the influence of cross-modal load on decision-making
Dr. Elizabeth Fox
Mr. Gregory Bowers
Mr. Andrew Manory
Ms. Ashley Cook
The asymmetry between symmetry and asymmetry
Ying-yu Chen
Prof. Joe Houpt
Perception of Color Change Given a Set of Stimuli Across Specified Backgrounds
Prof. Joe Houpt
Jocelyn Espinoza
Comparing the impact of medical image classification training on human and machine representations
Eeshan Hasan
Jennifer Trueblood
Amortized stochastic time series models for intervention designs
Ms. Kathleen Medriano
Zita Oravecz
Joachim Vandekerckhove
Response-time extended multinomial processing trees with diffusion-model kernels
Dr. Raphael Hartmann
Dr. Constantin Meyer-Grant
Prof. Christoph Klauer
ASSM: A Python package for Bayesian parameter estimation of attentional sequential sampling models
Amir Hosein Hadian Rasanan
Jorg Rieskamp
dRiftDM: An R package for Fitting Diffusion Models with Time-Dependent Parameters
Valentin Koob
Thomas Richter
Rolf Ulrich
Markus Janczyk
Studying how visual clues affect navigation and mental mapping in Virtual Reality
Farnaz Tehranchi
Mr. Amirreza Bagherzadehkhorasani
Jongchan Pyeon
Social Network Analysis of People Occurring in a Long Series of Dreams
Richard Schweickert
Michael Schredl