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ICCM Posters

Exploring the Utility of ACT-R models as Psychometric Tools: Estimated RL Learning-rate Predicts Learning Strategy.
Theodros Haile
Chantel Prat
Prof. Andrea Stocco
A simple diffusion-based framework for modelling time-varying changes in task performance and strategy
Mr. Manikya Alister
Dr. Nathan Evans
The crossed random effects drift diffusion model in social cognition research – a simulation study
Ms. Nele Bögemann
Prof. Steffen Nestler
Identifying Transfer Learning in the Reshaping of Inductive Biases
Anna Szekely
Mariann M. Kiss
Karolina Janacsek
Dezső Németh
Gergő Orbán
Balázs Török
Integrating Cognitive Models of Human Perception and Computer Vision Systems
Sean Kennedy
Robert Nowak
Incorporating Cognitive Factors into Models of Speech Motor Control
Valentine Lucquiault
Mr. Thomas Wilschut
Dr. Defne Abur
Dr. Catherine Sibert
Inhibitory Control Deficits in Syndromes Associated with Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration
Ms. Michelle Naessens
Ms. Rebecca Williams
Dr. Alexander Murley
Ms. Emily Todd
Prof. James Rowe
What makes a model ”fit”? Comparing metrics of model quality in Dynamic Causal Modeling of fMRI data
Sönke Steffen
Dr. Catherine Sibert
Hey Pentti, We Did It!: A Fully Vector-Symbolic Lisp
Eilene Tomkins Flanagan
Dr. Mary Kelly
Predicting learning and retention in a complex task
Prof. David Peebles
Exploring Memory Mechanisms Underlying the Continued Influence Effect
Dr. Alexander Hough
Dr. Othalia Larue
Developing and Evaluating a Computational Cognitive Model of Sensorimotor Grounded Action Selection Based on Eye-movement Behavior
Nils Heinrich
Annika Österdiekhoff
Stefan Kopp
Nele Russwinkel
From States to Transitions: Discrete Time Markov Chain in Affect Dynamics Psychometric Models
Mrs. Francesca Borghesi
Prof. Pietro Cipresso
Towards a Comprehensive Summary of the Senses for Cognitive Architectures
Frank E Ritter
Dr. Serhii Serdiuk
Modeling the role of attachment in the development of reciprocity and generosity
Dr. Elpida Tzafestas
Computer-Based Experiments in VR: A Virtual Reality Environment to Conduct Experiments, Collect Participants’ Data and Cognitive Modeling in VR
Mr. Amirreza Bagherzadehkhorasani
Farnaz Tehranchi
A Comparison of Frequency Effects in Two Attitude Retrieval Models
Mark Orr
Christian Lebiere
Don Morrison
Dr. Peter Pirolli
Understanding Human Behavior and Cognitive Model in an Image Labeling Task
Jongchan Pyeon
Farnaz Tehranchi
Mr. Amirreza Bagherzadehkhorasani