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at Virtual MathPsych/ICCM 2021

Episodic memory
Jun 29 @ 20:00 EDT - Jul 01 @ 19:59 EDT
Public session
Has a live component
Attention and perception
Jun 30 @ 20:00 EDT - Jul 02 @ 19:59 EDT
Public session
Has a live component
Nonlinear probability weighting can reflect attentional biases in sequential sampling
Dr. Veronika Zilker, Thorsten Pachur
The quest for simplicity in human learning
Mr. Matthew Galdo, Vladimir Sloutsky, Dr. Brandon Turner
The influence of the place value system on symbolic number perception in a ruler task
Yvonne Oberholzer, Marcus Lindskog, Benjamin Scheibehenne
Finding synthesis among neurocomputational accounts of working memory
Jul 01 @ 20:00 EDT - Jul 05 @ 19:59 EDT
Public session
Has a live component
Working memory (WM) has been considered and modeled as a specific cognitive system that permits a wide range of useful behaviors involving the temporary storage of information. But WM is increasingly recognized to be not one system, but rather a functional role that operates at many cognitive levels to allow specific pieces of information to be maintained in a privileged state for a variety of uses across different functional domains. Across these levels, common functional properties appear to be the need for binding otherwise unconnected information, a dynamic coupling to task sets for action and the ability to access and transform the stored information. A recent consensus article (Oberauer, Psychological Bulletin, 2018) suggested criteria for comparing and contrasting models of WM. In addition to empirical behavioral predictions, an important consideration is how models map onto known neural mechanisms. In the last few years a new generation of dynamic models has been proposed involving computational mechanisms that have a close mapping to neural plausibility, and that make quantitative neuro-behavioral predictions. The goal of this symposium is to contrast these new theories with existing models, and with each other, and ultimately to re-assess gaps in our understanding of how we should define the construct of working memory.
Finding synthesis among neurocomputational accounts of working memory Q&A
A flexible model of working memory
Flora Bouchacourt, Tim Buschman
Memory for latent representations
Prof. Brad Wyble, Mr. Ryan O'Donnell, Shekoofeh Hedayati
Social decision making
Jul 04 @ 20:00 EDT - Jul 06 @ 19:59 EDT
Public session
Has a live component
Social decision making Q&A
Minds for mobile agents
Prof. Andrew Heathcote, Charlotte Tanis, Mr. Jonne Zomerdijk, Dr. Tessa Blanken, Dr. Dora Matzke, Prof. Denny Borsboom
Polarization and extremism emerge from rational choice: Estimation as a solution to biased sampling
Abhay Alaukik, Dr. Peter Kvam, Matthew Baldwin, Callie Mims, Arina Martemyanova
Improving medical image decision making by leveraging representational similarity
Eeshan Hasan, Jennifer Trueblood, Dr. Quintin Eichbaum, Dr. Adam Seegmiller, Dr. Charles Stratton
Task difficulty and task rule affect the group decision efficiency
Peng-Fei Zhu, Hanshu Zhang, Cheng Ju Hsieh, Mario Fific, Prof. Cheng-Ta Yang
Systems factorial technology
Jul 06 @ 20:00 EDT - Jul 08 @ 19:59 EDT
Public session
Has a live component
Systems Factorial Technology Q&A
The influence of dual-task load on redundant signal processes
Dr. Elizabeth Fox, Dr. Zach Howard, Prof. Cheng-Ta Yang, Hao-Lun Fu, Dr. Kanthika Latthirun, Ms. Ashley Cook
If Linda was a square grid: the conjunction fallacy in the psycho-physical domain
Prince Kouassi, Dr. James Yearsley, Prof. Emmanuel Pothos
Aerobic fitness is associated with resilience capacity for faster decisions in young adults
Hao-Lun Fu, Prof. Shih-Chun Kao, Chun-Hao Wang, Prof. Cheng-Ta Yang
Jul 07 @ 20:00 EDT - Jul 09 @ 19:59 EDT
Public session
Has a live component
Categorization Q&A
Learning new categories for natural objects
Ms. Wanling Zou, Dr. Sudeep Bhatia
Recovering human category structure across development using sparse judgments
Pablo Leon Villagra, Christopher Lucas, Isaac Ehrlich, Daphna Buchsbaum
Co-occurrence statistics can explain the development of early taxonomic links
Dr. Hyungwook Yim, Dr. Olivera Savic, Ms. Alexandria Barkhimer, Dr. Vladimir Sloutsky, Prof. Simon Dennis
The effect of economic incentives on the learning of novel categories
Pam Osborn Popp, Prof. Ben Newell, Dan Bartels, Todd Gureckis